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Detroit is in need of redevelopment. It needs to reemerge as a valued national attraction. I believe that this can be accomplished by looking at the city not as a lost but an opportunity. Create a way to slow people down and have a focal point on what once was and how the city helped to build the nation that we know today. There is a reason why Detroit is important; there is a reason why our buildable site is important. The goal would be to express this reason in a way that people can slow down have them and appreciation the context of the city. This design will manipulate how one moves throughout the site and the pace that they move throughout the site. I have observed that people are more likely to follow a path previously created than create their own. This idea gives me the opportunity to consider how I can manipulate pathways to control movement and time in the site. Changing the path to create a faster pace and speed up the experience, or slow it down and have them spend a longer period of time in the space. This is to make them start to see and appreciate the space rather than just move through it.  They will begin to see the hyper local of the space.
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